Our mission.

  • Honor

    To maintain true allegiance to the United States of America; to encourage honor and purity in public affairs; to combat whatever tends to impair the efficiency and permanency of our free institutions; to encourage the doctrine of universal liberty, equal rights, and full justice to all.

  • Assistance

    To assist such sisters, comrades, and other Veterans, and their families, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background, as may stand in need of help, encouragement or protection.

  • Fairness

    To combat the powers of bigotry and darkness wherever originating and whatever their target; to uphold the fair name of the Jew and fight his battles wherever assailed.

  • Remembrance

    To gather and preserve the records of patriotic service performed by the men and women of our faith; to honor the memory and shield from neglect the graves of our heroic dead.

  • Patriotism

    To install in American youth love of Country and Flag, and foster such activities as will tend to perpetuate the objects and ideals of our Organization.